Couple’s ‘Beirut’ horror

A couple have spoken of their shock at waking up to what they have described as something like a Beirut war scene inches from their home and business.

Terrington St John postmaster Mike Baker (55) and his wife Lynda (54) were asleep at about 5.30am on October 4 when the milkman came hammering on their door as three cars were on fire outside their business.

Arsonists put the couple’s lives and livelihood at risk after setting fire to a parked car which spread to another two vehicles and on to the post office building.

It melted guttering, cracked a window and scorched doors as the couple escaped into the Fen End road.

Said Lynda: “It looked like Beirut (Lebanon). It was awful. Everything was well alight and I was worried our building might go as well.”

Speaking about the mentality of the culprits, Lynda said: “I actually think they don’t think about what they are doing. It’s just a laugh to them. My two-year-old granddaughter had only gone home a few days ago and her bedroom is next to the shop.”

Mike said they had a lucky escape because the cars were diesel and not petrol, one of the nearby windows in the post office was boarded and not glazed and also because the fire was stopped from spreading to the eaves and into the living accommodation.

The cars were well alight when the couple got out and firefighters were at the scene within minutes.

The commotion woke up other residents who came out to see what was happening after a nearby resident raised the alarm around 5am.

She told the Citizen she heard crackling then a bang and could see sparks from the post office.

She and her partner alerted residents but couldn’t make the Baker’s hear because the gate to their home was locked.

Nearby neighbours Robert Coxon and his partner lost two cars in the blaze. The fire was started in Mr Coxon’s Renault Megane, which was parked between his partner’s Citroen and a neighbour’s car.

Said Mr Coxon: “This event has left us with no transport. Due to the ongoing credit crunch, this has hit us very hard at a most inopportune time. we have since found out that this fire may be linked to other fires in the local vicinity although we have not had confirmation from the police on this.”

The family want to thank the fire service for their prompt action and people who have offered school transport for their son and daughter as well as support from family members.

Residents told the Citizen they had heard this blaze was one of a spate with several cars set on fire in different rural areas on Monday and Tuesday and a boat fire at Outwell on Wednesday.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward. They are also investigating a vehicle fire just minutes before the Terrington blaze at about 5.15am at the junction of Lynn Road 
and Mill Road in Walpole Highway. This was also destroyed and police say a saloon vehicle was spotted leaving the scene.

PC David Mallett said it was only through prompt attendance by the Fire Service that no-one was seriously hurt 
during this attack.

 “It’s important that we find the people responsible,” he said.